Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Introduction to Avi Charlton

    2. How to track your journey and progress

    1. Why Low Carb

    2. What is metabolic health

    3. Benefits of Low Carb

    4. Conditions that low carb can help

    1. How to start low carb, the basics

    2. Free ebook

    3. How to build a low carb plate

    4. Substitutes for favourite foods

    1. What about cholesterol

    2. Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes

    3. Understanding Inflammation

    1. How to do shopping and reading food labels

    2. Low carb as a family

    3. Eating out and staying low carb

    4. Intermittent fasting

    1. How to start exercise

    2. How to optimise sleep

    3. Managing stress

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Pricing options

8 week Complete Guide to Low Carb

My course helps: 
- Those who is struggling to lose weight
-  wants to learn about how to get healthy
- Those who are tired all the time or have specific conditions
- Those who have tried low carb but have gone off rail and want to get back on
- The yoyo dieters who needs a long term lifestyle
What we will learn 
-  What metabolism is, metabolic syndrome, hormones 
- What conditions that can be helped by going low carb
- Benefits of going low carb
- How to start
- How to build a plate
- Substitutes for favourite foods
- How to do low carb as a family
- Intermittent fasting
- Practicing self compassion - sleep, exercise, stress, meditation
- Troubleshoots, tips, community support, favourite recipes

- A bit about addictions.

Bonuses Included:
- Facebook Community
- Fortnightly zoom support for accountability and coaching
- Email me, pm me, use the community. I will endeavour to answer within 24 hours.
This course is valued at $495.